Integrating an on-premise Active Directory and Exchange organization with Microsoft Cloud Services will require attention to new elements and details.
As an example the list of object attributes in the on-premises Active Directory schema differs from the attributes in the Azure and Office 365 services directory platforms.
An example is three critical values that are used by Exchange Server:
- msExchRecipientDisplayType
- msExchRecipientTypeDetails
- msExchRemoteRecipientType
Note that the only supported way to change these values are using the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) og using the Exchange Management Shell (EMS).
Making modifications to these attributes using standard PowerShell, the Attribute Editor in Active Directory Users and Computers or using the ADSIEdit snap-in is NOT supported.
Also, I have seen several cases where objects are not been picked up by the Azure AD connector in Azure AD Connect, and after troubleshooting it is revealed that the msExchRecipientTypeDetails attribute has manually been altered from 1 to 2, thus changing it from a User Mailbox to a Linked Mailbox … where the latter is excluded from export to Azure AD/Office 365.
After jumping between several sources I finally decided to collect all the values in one place.
Exchange Server: msExchRecipientDisplayType
Exchange Online: RecipientType
Display Type |
msExchRecipientDisplayType (Decimal Value) |
RecipientType |
Mailbox User |
0 |
MailboxUser |
Distribution Group |
1 |
DistrbutionGroup |
Public Folder |
2 |
PublicFolder |
Dynamic Distribution Group |
3 |
DynamicDistributionGroup |
Organization |
4 |
Organization |
Private Distribution List |
5 |
PrivateDistributionList |
Remote Mail User |
6 |
RemoteMailUser |
Conference Room Mailbox |
7 |
ConferenceRoomMailbox |
Equipment Mailbox |
8 |
EquipmentMailbox |
ACL able Mailbox User |
1073741824 |
ACLableMailboxUser |
Security Distribution Group |
1043741833 |
SecurityDistributionGroup |
Synced Mailbox User |
-2147483642 |
SyncedMailboxUser |
Synced UDG as UDG |
-2147483391 |
SyncedUDGasUDG |
Synced UDG as Contact |
-2147483386 |
SyncedUDGasContact |
Synced Public Folder |
-2147483130 |
SyncedPublicFolder |
Synced Dynamic Distribution Group |
-2147482874 |
SyncedDynamicDistributionGroup |
Synced Remote Mail User |
-2147482106 |
SyncedRemoteMailUser |
Synced Conference Room Mailbox |
-2147481850 |
SyncedConferenceRoomMailbox |
Synced Equipment Mailbox |
-2147481594 |
SyncedEquipmentMailbox |
Synced USG as UDG |
-2147481343 |
SyncedUSGasUDG |
Synced USG as Contact |
-2147481338 |
SyncedUSGasContact |
ACL able Synced Mailbox User |
-1073741818 |
ACLableSyncedMailboxUser |
ACL able Synced Remote Mail User |
-1073740282 |
ACLableSyncedRemoteMailUser |
ACL able Synced USG as Contact |
-1073739514 |
ACLableSyncedUSGasContact |
Synced USG as USG |
-1073739511 |
SyncedUSGasUSG |
Exchange Server: msExchRecipientTypeDetails
Exchange Online: RecipientTypeDetails
Object Type |
msExchRecipientTypeDetails |
RecipientTypeDetails |
User Mailbox |
1 |
UserMailbox |
Linked Mailbox |
2 |
LinkedMailbox |
Shared Mailbox |
4 |
SharedMailbox |
Legacy Mailbox |
8 |
LegacyMailbox |
Room Mailbox |
16 |
RoomMailbox |
Equipment Mailbox |
32 |
EquipmentMailbox |
Mail Contact |
64 |
MailContact |
Mail User |
128 |
MailUser |
Mail-Enabled Universal Distribution Group |
256 |
MailUniversalDistributionGroup |
Mail-Enabled Non-Universal Distribution Group |
512 |
MailNonUniversalGroup |
Mail-Enabled Universal Security Group |
1024 |
MailUniversalSecurityGroup |
Dynamic Distribution Group |
2048 |
DynamicDistributionGroup |
Public Folder |
4096 |
Public Folder |
System Attendant Mailbox |
8192 |
SystemAttendantMailbox |
System Mailbox |
16384 |
SystemMailbox |
Cross-Forest Mail Contact |
32768 |
MailForestContact |
User |
65536 |
User |
Contact |
131072 |
Contact |
Universal Distribution Group |
262144 |
UniversalDistributionGroup |
Universal Security Group |
524288 |
UniversalSecurityGroup |
Non-Universal Group |
1048576 |
NonUniversalGroup |
Disabled User |
2097152 |
DisabledUser |
Microsoft Exchange |
4194304 |
MicrosoftExchange |
Arbitration Mailbox |
8388608 |
ArbitrationMailbox |
Mailbox Plan |
16777216 |
MailboxPlan |
Linked User |
33554432 |
LinkedUser |
Room List |
268435456 |
RoomList |
Discovery Mailbox |
536870912 |
DiscoveryMailbox |
Role Group |
1073741824 |
RoleGroup |
Remote Mailbox |
2147483648 |
RemoteMailbox |
Team Mailbox |
137438953472 |
TeamMailbox |
Exchange Server: msExchRemoteRecipientType
Object Type |
msExchRemoteRecipientType |
Hex Value |
ProvisionedMailbox (Cloud Mailbox) |
1 |
0x1 |
ProvisionedArchive (Cloud Archive) |
2 |
0x2 |
ProvisionedMailbox, ProvisionedArchive |
3 |
0x3 |
Migrated |
4 |
0x4 |
Migrated, ProvisionedArchive |
6 |
0x6 |
DeprovisionMailbox |
8 |
0x8 |
DeprovisionArchive |
16 |
0x10 |
DeprovisionArchive, Migrated |
20 |
0x14 |
RoomMailbox |
32 |
0x20 |
Migrated, RoomMailbox |
36 |
0x24 |
EquipmentMailbox |
64 |
0x40 |
Migrated, EquipmentMailbox |
68 |
0x44 |
SharedMailbox |
96 |
0x60 |
Migrated, SharedMailbox |
100 |
0x64 |