The next CoLabora User Group Meeting will be held at 27. November 2015 from 9.00 to 12.00 (GMT+1).
Topics this time will be Cloud Identity Management, Exchange Hybrid and Office 365 Compliance and Exchange Archiving.
Most activites and sessions will be done in Danish, except one session which this time will be held in english. The meeting is published online via Skype for Business.
I will be speaking together with Peter Schmidt and Michael Van “Hybrid” Horenbeeck
- Kort velkomst
- Cloud Identity Mangement – (Speaker: Jakob Østergaard Nielsen)
- Kort pause
- Exchange Hybrid Inside/out – (Speaker: Michael Van “Hybrid” Horenbeeck
- Kort pause
- Office 365 Compliance & Exchange Archiving – (Speaker: Peter Schmidt)
Link til Skype mødet, vil blive annonceret dagen før mødet: