Tag Archives: Azure

Microsoft removes inactive Azure subscriptions

As part of the Secure Future Initiative, starting November 2024, Microsoft will block and finally delete inactive Azure subscriptions. This includes both Azure subscriptions purchased using a credit card and Azure subscriptions provided through CSP partners. Azure subscriptions are considered inactive, when there has been no activity, consumption, or support cases for more than 12… Read More »

How to enable a CSP customer to view Azure usage charges

Use the following instructions to enable the policy allowing customers to view Azure usage charges for CSP provided Azure Plans using their own Azure portal. Prerequisites:You must be a member of the Admin agent CSP role to view and update the policy. First, open the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com/#home) in the partners CSP tenant and sign… Read More »

Azure Reservations with monthly payments

Microsoft just introduced a new way to pay for Azure Reservations that enables customers and partners to lower their upfront payments while enjoying discounts offered by Azure reservation. Previously, Azure reservations required the whole term payment up front, which reduced the attractiveness for many customers. Now you have the choice between paying for reservations upfront… Read More »

Microsoft Cloud services expanding in Europe

Microsoft has announced that they are preparing an expansion of the Microsoft Cloud from the existing two datacenters in Ireland and the Netherlands, with an additional regional datacenter in the United Kingdom. Microsoft Azure and Office 365 services is expected to be generally available from the new datacenter in last part of 2016. The Dynamics… Read More »

File shares in the cloud with Azure File Storage

During the recent AzureCon a bunch of new Azure services was announced, including the very exciting and much requested Azure File Storage, which enables offboarding traditionel file service to Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure now offers fully managed file shares in the cloud, across all public Azure regions! Azure File Storage is managed from the Azure… Read More »

Azure Active Directory B2C released

Azure Active Directory B2C is a new enterprise-grade, multi-tenant, cloud service that provided a secure cloud identity platform for consumer-facing applications, supporting authentication and management of consumer identities. The new service is based on open-standards and provide cross-platform support, adding modern identity and security capabilities to iOS, Android, Windows, and browser-based applications and services. Using… Read More »

Microsoft Cloud Roadshow

Registration has opened for a major cloud event; Microsoft Cloud Roadshow. This exciting event is a free, two-day technical training event for IT professionals and developers, and will be held from November 2015 to March 2016 in 11 major cities across the globe. Microsoft is presenting over 80 sessions covering Mobility, Security, Data, Infrastructure, Cloud,… Read More »

Exchange Server 2013 now supported to run on Azure VM

The guidelines for Exchange Server 2013 virtualization has been updated per 1. may, and as a new feature, it is now supported to deploy Exchange Server 2013 on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) providers, like Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines. Note that for Azure VMs, Exchange databases, transport and transaction logs must be placed on Azure Premium Storage. Deployment… Read More »

ExpressRoute announced

Microsoft have announced that Office 365 customers later this year will be able to use ExpressRoute, which is a private, managed connection from the corporate datacenter network, to their Office 365 services. Besides delivering a more predictable network performance, the ExpressRoute provide increased data privacy, better mangement features and new reliability options. Each ExpressRoute, by… Read More »