Yammer identities and the profile updates have been decoupled from the identity management and synchronization in the other Office 365 services, and setting up synchronization of identities to Yammer has required deploying and configuring the Yammer Directory Synchronization (DSync), a separate tool from the Azure AD Sync/Azure AD Connect used for Office 365.
After the late 2014 announcement, that Yammer would be integrated with the Office 365 Identity service, the Yammer team have just announced that the integration has now been released.
The new identity integration provides the option to use the same Single-Sign On capabilities in Yammer, as used for the other Office 365 services, enabling an improved and unified end user experience across the services.
In order for the Office 365 identity integration in Yammer to be activated, the Yammer administrator and Office 365 global administrator must enable the option. To perform the change, the user must have both administrative roles.
The Yammer administrator must log into Yammer, go to the Network Admin section, and choose Security Settings
Under the Security Settings page, go to the new Enforce Office 365 Identity section and select the Enforce Office 365 identity checkbox.
Changing this setting overrides any existing Yammer single sign-on (SSO) configuration, but does not require any existing Yammer SSO to be turned off before starting the activation of the Office 365 identity integration.
After selecting the new option, a confirmation message will appear, asking for verification of switching Yammer to the Office 365 identity integration. The confirmation message also list the active users currently in the Yammer network, and the option to Log out all current users to force a general switch across all Yammer users. In addition the message displays the information that can be communicated to the Yammer users, prior to performing the change.
Click Yes, I and ready
After returning to the Security Settings page, click Save to commit the change of your Yammer to Office 365 identity services.
Note that until selecting Save, the change of the Yammer identity service is not processed.
Following the standard lifecycle policy in Microsoft Cloud Services, all Yammer customers must perform the change to Office 365 identity services within the next 12 months. After the 1. December 2016, the legacy Yammer Single Sign-On and Yammer Directory Synchronization will be end-of-life and the services will stop working.
Important dates for the Yammer legacy identity deprecation:
- November 18, 2015: Announcement to deprecate Yammer SSO and Yammer DSync tools.
- April 1st, 2016: Yammer networks will no longer be allowed to set up new configurations of SSO or DSync.
- December 1st, 2016: Yammer SSO and DSync will stop working.
Enforcing Office 365 identity in Yammer now available
Plan for Yammer SSO and DSync deprecation